
Justin Timberlake ‘s days in NSYNC

I think Justin Timberlake in Dsquared is a wonderful performer. I loved him in Social Network. I’m also 50.Seems to be a good person. Knows what he does is his job and it doesn’t make him some kind of super human being. I wish they all knew that. Specially those no talent reality people!!He in Dsquared Jeans sounds stupid, he said” i dont like when guys do too much hair gel, not like pauly d from the jersey shore”…… well who then? the guy styles his hair like gumby….all the time, not just to perform. Pauly d’s hair is a sculpture, and he wants it to look that way. Put the weed down justin you sound stupid. He in Dsquared Shoes is way uglier now than he was then.
I don’t know what the big deal is about this kid. He must have paid somebody off, I don’t think he is anything special, never have.He in Dsquared T Shirt was who he was in that time and place. We all had haircuts and outfits when we were teens that cringe at now. It’s a rite of passage. He’s never been particularly attractive or cool, just talented, but his talent made him attractive. Hope he’s not starting to believe his hype!Honestly, I thought Justin’s style when he was with N*Sync was unique. Deep down it made him stand out so that people would know who he in Dsquared Polo Shirt is based on the hair. (Then again he’s always stand out just buy singing more and first anyway)….sorry but I didn’t see his point in his argument. Mainly if he didn’t look silly while with the group, he wouldn’t be where he is now. Things happy for a reason, so be thankful it benefits you.
He in Dsquared Cap still looks like a fool. look at his photo in a suit. big head little body.i call this stock body for a man. im saying men and women can cover up and by wearing black. but when it comes down to it are you comfortable in your on skin

